Debugging Web Applications
Written by Kai Dietrich   
Thursday, 30 October 2008
When you write a larger web application it sometimes happens that you need to debug it on the HTTP level. This is most usefull when you start to manipulate HTTP headers or do fancy stuff like dynamic binary content creation. One way to debug this traffic is to use wireshark and look at the TCP packets or the parsed output. But this can become awkward if you have to deal with a lot of content. The more elaborate way is to use a local proxy which displays what happens on the line. At the time when I was actively developping web apps for a company I used a commercial tool called Charles and I didn't find a decent replacement for a long time. But now I finally have found WebScarab! This one is Open Source and does it's job nearly as well as Charles. So for everyone who needs a debugging proxy for HTTP I can recommend it.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 30 October 2008 )
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