The Lazy Programmer’s Guide to Secure Computing

The Lazy Programmer’s Guide to Secure Computing

small summary writeup:

  • how to write secure code in an imperfect world
  • code patterns for “principle of least authority” (POLA)a sharp razor (to much authority: you get abuse, to few authority: you don’t get your job done)
  • security and POLA in the mail envelope, every security principle serves another purpose as well
  • the OO paradigm could serve as a good security paradigm, too
  • most languages break the security properties of OO (e.g. by allowing stack access)
  • for various languages there are tools which fix these language problems and filter your code, thus enforcing OO security properties (e.g. Caja by Google and Yahoo for javascript, Joe-E for java, Emily for Ocaml)
  • how could these patterns be transported into distributed systems, the web? implementations: waterken server / web-key
  • with these patterns in action, a web-money protocol can be implemented in about 30LOC Java
  • if POLA is used in larger OO software systems, you achive ultra-deep security in depth
  • with POLA, the attack-tree risk-combining operation changes from OR to AND, thus the economics of security change
    • when extending code, you mostly add unpriviledged code
    • meanwhile you fix problems in the priviledged code
    • thus, over time code becomes more secure instead of less secure
  • we should use memory-safe OO languages and POLA principles

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